Monday, June 4, 2012

The End of the Year...

That statement... The End of the Year... really holds so many meanings for us this time around. Sha finishes school this week and Timmy is out next week.  They will have spent an entire year in school here.  In July we will mark our ONE YEAR anniversary since we met the kids and brought them home.  An entire year of daily love and crazy making is just around the corner.
First time we met the kids in Texas

A year of learning
A year of exploring
A year of laughter
A year of tears

A year of triumphs
A year of defeats
A year of happy endings
A year of sad losses

A year of being a family
The good, the bad, the ugly, the real

A year of being together
The stinky boy room, the typical meal routines, and the learning curve on hair care

First day we met the kids.  With their Foster Mom, Auth Teresa
A year of developments                                           
A year of education
A year of gained patience
A year of patience lost

A year of milestones
A year of adjustment
A year of LOVE
A year of BLESSINGS.

So much has happened in a year.  This post is a little too early to officially say we have been moms for a year, but not too early to unofficially shout it from the rooftops. 

Our community gathered around us to give them a safe welcome.
Our family loved them before they met them and it feels like they have always been a part of all of us
Our pets have come to terms with the addition of loud music and dancing, the smell of fingernail polish, and mommy and kid wrestling dates
Our home is full.  Our hearts are full.  Our year was full. 

We are blessed.  We are asking God for another year....for us.  For them.  For each of you. 

Blessings and Namaste.

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