Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fun Weekend Ahead

It's Thursday afternoon and I am exhausted.  You know that feeling that washes over you and you know you need a nap but you just can't stop to take one?  That's how I feel today. Most times I am hopeful by Thursday because I know a weekend is coming and I will be able to get a little rest.  This is not one of those weekends!

Tomorrow evening we will attend a caring community potluck in honor of Hank Bersani.  Saturday morning there is a Triathlon that will run here in town and Kara felt we should get out and volunteer so we will be outside with the kids and cheering on cyclists at 8am Saturday morning.  Another day of getting up before it is light out!  Then, Sunday Kara is participating in a cycling event with a group called Team Bersani.  This event will last all day as she either bikes 65, 72, or 100 miles.  My guess is she will try for 100 miles.  In the meantime, I will take the kids and go to the Tulip Festival.  There are acres of Tulips, old fashioned shoe making, local artists showing their goods, etc.  It will be a nice day outside (provided it doesn't rain all day!).  Since all of these events last all day, it means there will be very little time for rest.  We are blessed to take part in each of these activities so I am not complaining-- just dreamily wishing for a nice solid time of rest.

Otherwise things here have been going well.  It is 9 months since the kids arrived and this is huge because it is the second longest placement they have ever had!  We have now had them longer than their most recent foster mom.  The only other long term placement they had was for 2 years, so we are quite a ways from that benchmark yet.

Both kids are doing well.  Some days are crazy, others make me nuts, but most make me smile and feel blessed to be one of their moms.

I can't believe school is almost out for the summer. I am working frantically trying to get something together for them this summer.  I had originally thought about the Y program in our area, but with all the kids being hearing, I felt like it would be really hard for our son to deal with that everyday.  Our daughter is a good signer but gets forgetful to sign when talking when mom isn't there to prompt her-- so even his sister would be inaccessible to him.  I just don't think it would be a healthy dynamic.  We are looking into finding someone to watch them a few times a week-- alternating between studies and trips to the library, park, pool, etc.  I really want them to have some time to enjoy being kids- but I don't want them to regress in their studies either.

Our daughter has her first set of brain testing this coming Tuesday.  We will hopefully know more once we get the results of these tests in regards to why she struggles so much some days.   Hoping this will help us turn a corner.

Otherwise, we just keep on keeping on.  God is Great, live is beautiful, and we are richly blessed.

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