Monday, January 30, 2012

No School

I never realized how many days of school kids have off during the year!  I think times have changed with mandatory furlough days, but really kids have a lot of vacation days.  That is really great for them, but really hard on their working parents.

We lived in the middle of nowhere.  The closest chain grocery store is about a 20 minute drive.  We have one gal who babysits for us on occasion but she is a full time student!  We don't have anyone to take our kids when they are off and we have to work.  So far we have just brought them to work with us.  Usually one kid will have school when the other is off- random!  So far it has worked out, but I need to do some research and see what we could do if we needed someone to watch them during the day. 

I know it might sound easy to just stick them in an in-home daycare but I have a few issues with that.  First, my son is Deaf.  We can't just take him anywhere- he has to be able to communicate!  Not many Deaf daycares out there.  Second, our kids require a lot of work :) because emotionally they act younger than their 8 and 9 years.  Not everyone understands that and will let them be who they need to be right now. 

The kids LOVE going to the college with us and so far it has been a good option.. but I need to find another plan if and when the need presents itself.

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